On sketch assignments for public commissions and more - fall 2017

Dear readers,

I am currently finishing up and wrapping my completed model for my sketch assignment for a might-be public commission for Region Skåne. The summer was shorter than ever and this task led me back to the core of why I want to make public art. My suggestion is still the most precious secret as I cannot reveal anything before the competition is over. I have one competitor so the chance that my proposal will be chosen is 50 %. 

A work of this size - one million SEK - is not one of the very largest commissions you see, but still fairly large. For me it would render around half a year of salary. Having no bread job on the side, the outcome of the jury descision will be of major importance for my upcoming year as an artist. As I do not know what my rival has prepared I cannot know anything about how my suggestion will stand in the competition. 

Naturally, from my horizon; this is my best art proposal ever. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, I will keep busy applying for new sketch assignments and work more studio based with my own art ideas for running and upcoming art exhibitions and projects. I am still - slowly - redirecting my work towards a more sustainable practice where the dream scenario of making art will interlock with my economical and timely resources.

Yesterday, I made a visit to Målerås glass in Southern Sweden. I hope to team up with them in some future projects. I came back home to my studio full of inspiration, new knowledge and hope for glass in public space! Do visit their page to learn who they are and see some of there excellent works, link below.

My best art wishes! /Åsa Maria
